

Charles Darwin:

"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment".

The Complete Works of Charles-Darwin. "Charles Darwin Quotes". http://www.darwin-literature.com/l_quotes.html (accessed April 25).

Steven Hawking:

"I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image."

Brainy Quote. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/stephen_hawking.html (accessed April 25).

Nicole Kuepper

Nicole Kuepper:

"For me, the potential for photovoltaics to play a major role in reducing the use of dirty kerosene lamps and the money people spend on batteries is enormous."

Velveteen Rabbi. "Nicole Kuepper and low-cost, low-tech solar cells". http://velveteenrabbi.blogs.com/blog/2009/10/nicole-kuepp.html (accessed April 30).

